Businesses and other organizations are sponsoring LPLA because Lake Pepin is the ecological, social, and economic heart of the region. With over 600 members and growing following, an LPLA sponsorship is also a great way to promote your business!

Ready to sign up now?

Send a check: LPLA, P.O. Box 392, Red Wing, MN 55066

"It's absolutely necessary for us to keep the lake healthy and viable because that's what brings the people."

-Alan Nugent, owner of Stockholm Pie & Abode Gallery


Sponsorship Packages

This year, LPLA is rolling out a new sponsorship program that includes valuable business perks and workplace giving options through the Minnesota Environmental Fund. If you’re interested, we would love to discuss all the options with you. 

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MEF Workplace Giving

Add the Minnesota Environmental Fund (MEF) as an option for employee giving at your workplace and protect Lake Pepin! LPLA Executive Director, Rylee Main, is the MEF Board Chair & can answer all your questions: or (630) 806-9909